Groupers (VCG)

A grouper is a tool that allows builders to reference one item (the grouper) instead of many when setting the properties of rules, configuration settings and other build properties. Technically, a grouper is a record in the Grouper (VCG) master file that lists records that share a defined relationship. Groupers could economize reference to related diagnoses for use in BestPractice Advisories, medical and surgical history questions, and specialty problem lists. They can also be used to group Health Maintenance topics, medications and other clinical categories.

General oversight for all Groupers configuration and build is provided through the Connect Care Components Committee.


Different types of groupers relate to different master files of related content. The most important for builders include:


Clinician Builders have access to a "Grouper Record Editor" via global search or the Builders Dashboard. This tool can be used to review existing groupers (recommended), edit or update grouper properties (do not do without approval) and create new groupers (do not do without approval).


Specific processes must be followed for grouper management in particular categories:
