Test Accounts
Provider test accounts can be used in proof of concept (POC) and other test environments to anticipate the experience of users with specific roles and security points. Default password is "epic" except in the case of patient portal accounts where "epic1234" is the default.
Note that a testing need can often be addressed by using a general purpose provider account (e.g., IPMD) and an appropriate virtual department (e.g., "EDMONTON ZONE LONG TERM CARE").
AMBMD - ambulatory physician
BCNPHARM - inpatient oncology pharmacist
EDMD - emergency physician
FAMMD - family medicine physician
ICUMD - critical care physician
IMMD - outpatient internal medicine physician
IPMD - inpatient internal medicine physician
LEANMD - outpatient physician with simple user interface
LINKMD - external physician
LTCMD - long term care physician or nurse practitioner
MDC - physician champion
NICUMD - neonatal critical care physician
OBGYNMD, OBMD - obstetrics (stork) physician
OPFAMMD - family medicine outpatient
OPHTHMD - opthalmology physician
PALLMD - palliative care physician
RXAMBPHARM - outpatient prescribing pharmacist
RXPHARM - inpatient prescribing pharmacist
SURGICUMD - surgery critical care physician
SURMD - surgery physician
EDRN - emergency nurse
IMRN - internal medicine nurse
IPRN - inpatient nurse
LTCRN - long term care nurse
NP - nurse practitioner
IPUC - inpatient unit clerk
Allied Health
AUD - Audiologist
AUDAN - Audiology ancillary
BHPSYCH - Behaviouralist & Psychologist
DIET - Dietician
KIN - Kinesiology
IPCL - Child Life
IPRECT - Recreation Therapy
IPRD - Registered dietician, nutrition
IPRT - Respiratory Therapy
IPSC - Spiritual Health Practitioner
OT - Occupational Therapist
PO - Prosthetist & Orthotist
PT - physiotherapist
PTA - Therapy assistant
SC - Spiritual Care
SLP - Speech Language Pathologist
SW - Social Worker
TA - Therapy Assistant
CLINICALCLERK - medical student
MEDEDU - student with order pending
RESMD - trainee with chart co-signing
RESMDCROSS - trainee
Hyperspace View Only
CLINVO - general clinicianÂ
EDVIEWONLY - emergency clinician
Provider Portal - LINK
Patient Portal - MyAHS Connect
MYCHARTALLY (12 yo F DOB 15/01/2007 MRN 3000000475)
TOMMYCHART (68 yo M DOB 01/09/1950 MRN 3000025019)
MYCHARTREESE (Reese Withoutherspoon, 29 yo) DOB 1990-06-28 MRN 1000029452)