External Link Norms

Connect Care clinical system design (CSD) principles emphasize "transparent" clinical content, where clinical guidance (guidelines, protocols, studies, evidence, etc.) is readily available to users within their workflows.

Although it may be tempting to embed narrative instruction in order sets, for example, excessive explanatory material adds to the length, complexity and clutter of tools that prescribers need to navigate efficiently. Accordingly, embedded information should be limited to the minimum text essential for safe use by most clinicians. Additional  supporting evidence should be made available via external links. These allow users to access support materials if and when needed. 

This section addresses key considerations when deciding whether to embed external resource links within clinical content, and how such links should be configured. Other sections deal with link management techniques, link naming conventions and the complexities of internal (EpicACT) links.

External Link Anchors

The text, button or other user-interface element that is used to activate an external link can be referred to as the link "trigger" or "anchor". Whenever possible, trigger text should comply with Connect Care's link naming convention. This helps users to anticipate what will happen, and what information they will be able to access, when a link is selected. It also helps users avoid inefficiencies associated with clicking on links in order to discover what information is on offer.

In general, link triggers should identify the type of information expected followed by a title reflecting the information content; using "type: content" syntax (e.g., Handbook: EpicACT Links):

External Link Markup

External links are inserted within SmartText, SmartPhrases, Order Composers and other user interface elements by using the "hyperlink" menu or toolbar tool (🔗) found within object editors. Some text fields (e.g., flowsheet row descriptions/instructions) do not include editor tools for marking-up trigger text as a hyperlink. There are two options that builders can try in order to insert hyperlinks in such areas:

External Link Types

External links, and the associated target displays, are "unmanaged" or "managed":

Managed External Links

Managed external links are inserted in the same places as unmanaged links, most commonly as hyperlinks within SmartText that is, in turn, used in navigators, templates and other clinical content. The difference is that managed links do not start with "http://" or "https://". Instead, they use one of the following "EpicACT:" links. The target "URL" (e.g., http://, https://, mailto:, etc.) is specified as a parameter of the EpicACT link. The parameter (URL) portion of the EpicACT link should comply with Health Evidence Exchange link management guidelines. The activity portion of the EpicACT link should be chosen from the options below to optimally display the intended content in the intended place.

Hyperdrive update

The following Activities, offering different formatting options for the display of external links, do not work as intended in Hyperdrive. When viewed in Hyperdrive, the Activities will automatically redirect to a standard Microsoft Edge external browser window.

Help Popup - External Link to Help or Support Resources

Guidance Popup - External Link to Clinical Guidance or Supporting Evidence

Resource Popup - External Link to Other Resources

Browser Popup - External Link to Other Resources in full Internet Browser Window

Browser Popup with Options - External Link to Resources Optionally Appearing in a new Instance of Internet Browser

Chart Sidebar - External Link to Resources Appearing in the Sidebar in Open Charts

Chart Activity - External Link to Resources Appearing within an Activity Tab in Open Charts

HyperSpace Workspace - External Link to Resources Appearing in a New Workspace Tab

Reporting Workbench - External Link to Resources Appearing in a New Reporting Workbench Tab