Chronicles (Text Interface) for Macintosh Computers
Chronicles is Epic's legacy system configuration tool, gradually being replaced by tools with rich user interfaces. Originally designed for VT220 terminals and keyboards, Chronicles is accessed for Connect Care through the "Putty" computer terminal emulator. Builders who need to use Chronicles can benefit from reminders about terminal-emulation keystrokes and shortcuts.
Keyboard Special Keys
Control key (PC) → Command key (Mac)
Alt key (PC) → Option key (Mac)
Home key (PC) → Fn + Left Arrow (Mac)
End key (PC) → Fn + Right Arrow (Mac)
Page Up key (PC) → Fn + Up Arrow (Mac)
Page Down key (PC) → Fn + Down Arrow (Mac)
Function Keys
Use Fn (function) key plus the F key (1 through 12) to emmulate PC function key on a Mac
It is possible to configure Citrix such that Mac function keys map natively without the need for the addition of Fn
Combination Keys
"Claw" Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F12,F10 (PC) → Control+Option+Command+Shift+F12,F10 (Mac; note possible need for Fn with F12,F10 if citrix mapping of function keys not enabled)