Chronicles Master Files
Master files ("INI" databases) store data about one type of thing. These files can be dynamic (used for storing new patient and operational data) or static (used for specifications and properties with controlled means of data addition and editing). Master files contain Records (individual entry) which have Items (one or more fields or properties or attributes) with Values.
Common Master Files for Builders
AIF - Interface Tables
ATM - Activity Template
CER - General Rule Database
DCS - Document records with reference to all electronically signed, scanned or paper documents (not notes)
EAF - Facility Profiles (facilities, service areas, locations and places of service - available to phone book)
E1B - Batch Scheduler Batch Definition
E1C - Batch Scheduler Job Definition
E1D - Batch Scheduler Run Definition
E2N - Activities
E2O - Workspaces
E2U - Menus
E3N - Activity Parameters
EAF - Facility Records (service areas, locations, organizations, etc.)
EAP - Procedures (e.g., labs, imaging)
EDP - Procedure Categories
E3L - AllowLists
EC1 - Batch Scheduler Job Definitions
ECT - Category Lists
EDG - Diagnoses
EDP - Procedure Categories
ELT - SmartLists
ERS - Patient Lists
ERX - Medications
ETT - Text Templates (admission/discharge documentation)
ETX - SmartText
FBL - Column blocks (patient lists and reports)
FDS - SlicerDicer Filters
FDT - e-Signature (eForm) Text Templates
FLO - Flowsheet Rows
FLT - Flowsheet Templates
FSH - Flowsheet Database
HCT - Master Category List
HDA - Scoring Systems (patient lists)
HDF - Shared Configuration
HFN - Notes Configuration
HFP - General Property Database
HFR - Registry Configuration
HGN - Text Generation
HGR - Reporting Workbench Templates
HH1 - SmartPhrases
HHS - SmartLinks
HLV - Concept (SDE) Value
HLX - Concept Lexicon (SDE)
HMT - Health Maintenance Topics
HRX - Report Information (criteria and columns for RWB reports)
IDB - Dashboard Component
IDK - Dashboard Resources
IDL - Dashboard Layouts
IDM - Dashboard Configuration Record (dashboard ID)
IDN - Dashboard Benchmark (Metric) Definitions
IED Teaching Title/Topic/Point
LCG - Component Group
LDG - Procedure Duplicate Check Group
LGL - BestPractice Advisories - Locators
LPF - Preference Lists
LPG - Print Groups
LPP - Programming Extensions
LPR - Profile records, including Synopsis views
LRD - Laboratory Result Definitions
LRR - Laboratory Result Components
LRP - Reports
LVN - (Visit) Navigator Template Definition
LQF - SmartForms
LQH - (Visit Navigator) History Template Definition
LQM - Registry Data Dictionary Files
LSD - System Definitions
OSQ - SmartGroups
PAF - Report and List Columns
PED - Patient Education Record
PRL - SmartSets (& Order Sets)
OVT - Tests
THR - Threshold
TIM - Timeline (Synopsis) View
VCG - Groupers
VCN - Visit Navigator Configurations
EMP - Users
EPT - Patients
HNO - Notes
Records in Master Files
The Record Viewer tool is available in Epic builder environments (e.g., POC), accessible from the builder tools dashboard or via chart search using the keyword "record viewer".