SmartForm Style Guide
There are many types of SmartForms (LQF records), including SmartBlocks, Procedure SmartForms, Workflow SmartForms, Flowsheet SmartForms and Problem SmartForms. Different types may allow management of different types of data (e.g., subsets of chronicles records as well as SmartData Elements) or be optimized for different parts of the Epic user interface (e.g., navigators, problem lists, sidebars, popups, notewriter, etc.). Accordingly, it is difficult to offer a comprehensive style guide for Connect Care (AHS) use of SmartForms. A few layout conventions, as well as build tips, can help users by making ways of interacting with SmartForms more consistent.Â
SmartForm Naming Convention (LQF records)
The name (title) given to a SmartForm record is exposed to end-users more than is typical for other build objects. For example, the file name appears verbatim within problem lists (under the overview edit box) to invite users to enter structured problem overview data using the SmartForm. Consequently, how a SmartForm record is named can directly affect the ability of users to recognize its purpose. We advise against typical build object naming conventions that use builder or team initials or might make sense only to builders.
Start the form name with a few high-meaning words reflecting the clinical use of the SmartForm. This will be seen by users in things like problem list interfaces. Do not exceed 5 words.
End the form name with " - AHS" to help users and builders recognize forms designed or adapted for AHS use and validated for safe use in Connect Care.
Form Type
The form type reflects different functional sub-groupings of SmartForms.
SmartForm - typical type
A "Use" field is available when entering descriptive metadata for LQF records. This determines how SmartForms are distinguished in lookup lists. We recommend use of the following labels.
Patient Information - for demographics and other SmartForms managing basic (usually chronicles EPT record) patient data.
Problem Oriented Charting - for any SmartForm supporting text blocks, problem overviews or other objects used in problem oriented charting.
Procedures - for Procedure SmartBlocks and similar.
Score Calculator - for SmartForms that gather data and perform calculations for scores and scales.
Signs - for SmartBlocks and other forms that manage clinical signs.
Symptoms - for HPI and other SmartBlocks that manage patient reported symptoms.
Workflow - for SmartForms that manage workflow data, such as expected length of stay, hospital service, attending provider, etc.
Enter simple, concise and consistent (emmulate existing AHS SmartForm record descriptors) description of the purpose or clinical use of the SmartForm.
SmartForm Layout - Sizing
Epic's SmartForm editor tools steadily improve. Nonetheless, it remains very difficult for builders to build SmartForms that will display exactly as they intend. The overall form dimensions are not easy to find or set when starting a new SmartForm, and once set are exceptionally difficult to change. Epic's tools default to setting row element widths as a percentage of the overall form width. This can lead to unwanted compression of key elements (with loss of label meaning) if the form is displayed in a format with a limited width (e.g., Problem SmartForms).
Builders are advised to set SmartForm overall dimensions before doing any other build. Pixel widths should be used. When tables, cells and elements are then added, also specify the width in pixels. This practice gives the best likelihood that the form will display as intended when in production.
It is important to note that SmartForms may not display (layout) the same way in HyperSpace and HyperDrive. Use the provided Epic preview tools to seek a "Web Preview" to get a sense of how things will look in HyperDrive.
Suggested overall (starting) SmartForm widths
Problem SmartForms - 700-750 pixels
Popup SmartForms - 800-850 pixels
Navigator SmartForms - 600-650 pixels